Thursday, 26 February 2015

Aims and Objectives

Ahilya Sangh has been formed to suitably equip women with the requisite physical and mental strength to counter any exploitation or to face any dire situation with courage and fortitude.
One of the objectives of Ahilya Sangh is to enable a woman to deal effectively with the customs and traditions detrimental to her as well as to the well–being of the society.

Undertaking Tree Plantation Drive

Environmental degradation is posing a great threat to human survival. With a view to lend a helping hand in restoring ecological balance, Ahilya Sangh undertakes Tree Plantation Drives, free of cost.

Bal Vidya Prashikshan

This training imparts knowledge of self–defence techniques. 'Bal Vidya Prashikshan'  is imparted on the following principle:

'Defence is defeat. Attack is the best form of Defence.’
Under expert guidance, women are being trained in Ancient Indian Martial Arts. Classes for training and practice of the same are organized on a regular basis.